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Satisfied, she turned back to the assignment instructions, and
noticed that her professor told her to treat the opposing viewpoint
as well. So, she wrote a transition, and introduced a
new idea:
Student 4 determine the full extent, but the implica-tions are clear. (Brown 120-21) Some people disagree with the opinions quoted above, saying that Problem X is the invention of overzealous news reporters who are trying to make a story out of unconnected incidents. (9) But if Problem X were only a myth, would the government really fund expensive research projects or make such major policy decisions? (10) (9) Who? You must name those people and cite the articles in which they publish their opinions. To be fair, you must explain why they believe what they say. You are free to attack their claims after you present them, of course, but you have constructed a "straw man" -- a weak, incapacitated version of somebody else's argument. Its easy to beat up a straw man because he won't hit back! (10) That's a very good question, Sally... but your job is to argue (supporting your claims with evidence). Why don't you find out whether the government has a response to that question? You can't pretend that you have scored a point simply by voicing a suspicion and then not even giving the "other guy" an opportunity to respond. |
Sally Rebuts... [ Intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 ]