The movie wasn’t perfect, but there was a lot to like and a lot to laugh at. I so enjoyed myself that I became even more puzzled than I was before about the handfuls of invective that many reviewers of the film have been flinging at it, risking damage to their digital watches in the process. —Nick Montfort —Actually I Quite Liked It (Grand Text Auto)
Montfort’s review of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy leaves me feeling hopeful.
I read the book(s) back in seventh grade, and then watched the PBS version and listened to the radio version..this movie wasn’t horrible, I personally dislike the British term “bollocks” when the American “shit” could have had the same effect in one part.
Otherwise a definite good time for any “old” science-Fiction fan, but if you havent read the book, the plot is confusing in the movie.
Thanks for your comment, Karissa.
It was okay. I particularly enjoyed the “So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish” broadway-style song at the beginning and end of the film… I will have to purchase this on iTunes just to satisfy the urge for a silly musical number in the middle of my paper writing madness :-)
I recommend it, though I’ve not read the book yet; but stick around for the credits, too, because there’s some fun after the plot rests.