The bricks are so meticulously made that the company claims that out of every 1 million elements made, just 18 will be declared defective and removed from the set. Impressive numbers, considering that the LEGO Group is producing 15 billion components a year–that’s 1.7 million items an hour, or 28,500 a minute. Tire production accounts for some of that number; the factory also produces 306 million tiny rubber tires a year. In fact, going by that number, LEGO is the world’s No. 1 tire manufacturer. —Joseph Pisani —The Making of… a LEGO (BusinessWeek)
This is a little puff piece that will only whet your appetite. Try the wiki-brick-links page for more interlocking plastic goodness.
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Cool, Dennis! I am working on a paper about Lego sets for a classical rhetoric course I am taking this semester.