Video: Water Balloon Exploding at 2,000 Frames per Second


An enterprising photographer, Eadweard Muybridge,
captured a series of snapshots — a filmstrip — of a horse trotting
and definitively settled the question in the affirmative. You can see
the horse in-motion and check out the geeky tech from this magazine piece on high speed photography.

Fast forward 130 years and we can now split a second into 2,000 of
its constituent parts and examine them. One incredible example is the
video of the yellow balloon exploding above. At that speed, the water
appears much more viscous than it is, holding its shape for a few
thousandths of a second before gravity pulls it to the ground.

2 thoughts on “Video: Water Balloon Exploding at 2,000 Frames per Second

  1. Cool! Do you still have the photos of that we took of popping water balloons? I had a lot of fun taking those photos with you and we had to wait for the film to be developed to see if any of the photos actually turned out. One, two, three, pop/click!

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