AP Style Fake News No Longer Funny

NEW YORK (AP) — Writers of parody news were saddened to learn Monday that merely writing their stories in the clipped, authoritative style of the Associated Press does not make them funny. —AP Style Fake News No Longer Funny (Kuro5hin) Similar:MLA Citations: Your attention to detail establishes your credibilityStapler jam during a midterm exam.The Tyranny of…

Ethics of Paper’s Fake Arson Story Debated

“King County prosecutors and sheriff’s detectives asked the editors at the Eastside Journal, now called the King County Journal, to run a fake story about a staged arson to make Sherer believe an accomplice had carried out his plans. The newspaper complied.” —Ethics of Paper’s Fake Arson Story Debated Seattle Times) Woah! When does the…