The Real Threat of Blogs

What made the early Internet so very threatening to the mainstream media was not just the new opinions being expressed, but the fact that people were spending hours of their lives doing something that didn’t involve production or consumption in the traditional market sense. Families with Internet connections were watching an average of nine hours…

Librarian: Don't use Wikipedia as source

It’s not the online version of an established, well-researched traditional encyclopedia. Instead, Wikipedia is a do-it-yourself encyclopedia, without any credentials. “As a high school librarian, part of my job is to help my students develop critical thinking skills,” Stagnitta wrote. “One of these skills is to evaluate the authority of any information source. The Wikipedia…

Boring Game? Outsource It

But now, the reality of exchange rates and international income gaps has spawned a virtual version of the real-world relationship between rich and poor countries. While players in wealthier countries casually drop hundreds of dollars to buy their way into better positions in the games — or out of tedious parts of the games —…

VistitorVille: Screenshots

A Web Analytics Information Explosion See your website visitors as animated characters in a virtual city Watch visitors move from page to page and interact with your site See buses (search engines) deliver new visitors to buildings Pull up detailed ‘Passports’ on any visitor Replay website traffic from any date or time View dozens of…

When Blobjects Rule the Earth

Blobjects are blob-shaped objects, because of NURBS and meshes and splines and injection molding and CAD-CAM. They’re highly curvilinear consumer items designed on workstations, and then they’re generally blasted into being in a burst of injection-molded goo. Blobjects are the period objects of our time. They are the physical products that the digital revolution brought…

Kids, Play With Your Food

In an effort to educate the nation’s neediest children on nutrition, a new project uses the familiar medium of video games to broadcast its message. The Fantastic Food Challenge, a package of four computer games, is designed to teach people who get nutrition aid such as federal food stamps how to make better use of…

Net Publishing Made Profitable

The books are written by a small stable of independent authors, who receive 50 percent royalties, a rate unheard of in traditional publishing. Edited collaboratively over the Net, the books are published “within moments of going to press” as small, downloadable PDF files. Costing $5 or $10, the books come with free updates for readers…

What, Me Register?

I know I’m not alone in committing identity theft against my imaginary selves. Since no studies exist, I took an informal poll involving 50 friends and colleagues and, although I admit it’s not very scientific, it was revealing. More than half of respondents admitted they invent some or all of the information they provide to…

Mobiles and the Appropriation of Place

Now teens and twenty-somethings generally do not set a fixed time and place for a meeting. Rather, they initially agree on a general time and place (Shibuya, Saturday late afternoon), and exchange approximately 5 to 15 messages that progressively narrow in on a precise time and place, two or more points eventually converging in a…

Vacation Blog Pause

Vacation Blog Pause (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog) I’ll be on a little family vacation until August 1. My access to the Internet will be sporadic at best. Feel free to chat among yourselves while I am away. And enjoy the postings from “buup114” and the other spam that will doubtless collect in my absence.

Traditional Methods are Tools, Too

Traditional Methods are Tools, Too (PILOT Reflections) One often hears that computers and other online instruction methods are only tools, and that they should complement, rather than replace, traditional methods of instruction. But aren’t traditional instructional approaches also tools? I just finished a week of teaching a Vacation Bible School, and I absolutely love sitting on…