Mistakes we made along the way blog.thoughtwax.com

The value of this essay is not specifically in the nostalgia for ye goode ole days of bloggynge, but rather the combination of work-ethic angst and the recognition of the value of investing effort in long-term projects, as opposed to seeking immediate rewards for clear-cut, predetermined actions. The philosophical reflections of the shovel-wielding ditch-digger are…

If HTML5 Kills the Blog Format, I Won’t Shed a Tear

The blog format relieves publishers from the tiresome duty of producing covers and front pages and things to make their content more attractive and make readers want it. In some cases, it enables publishers to surrender any responsibility for making content attractive in the first place. There is a prophetic scene in the magnificent movie…

Seton Hill scales the ed-tech integration summit | eCampus News

Realizing that students today “interact with the world in radically different ways than previous generations,” Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pa., was one of the first schools in the country to give its students iPads after Apple introduced its iconic tablet computer last year. But it was Seton Hill’s vision for transforming education through the…

Ponying Up in Educational Technology

On Twitter, SHU librarian Kelly Clever linked to a ProfHacker blog post about iPad snobbishness, writing We’re so used to most folks at #setonhill having iPads… Is it a different story off-campus? http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/ipads-and-the-embarrassment-factor/36245 Having been a committed PDA user since 1998, I use my iPod Touch all the time, but I honestly can’t say I would have thought…