Ignorance Meets an Invisible Disability

I’m sure my young, healthy-looking friend will gladly give you his parking spot if you’ll take his bone cancer, too. http://t.co/z2ABY0huCN Similar:The Ascent #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 9) Odo and Quark bicker their way up …Quick visit to see my mother and siblings.The daughter missed her graduation ceremony because she was performing in…

Dear daughter, let Miley Cyrus be a lesson to you

I am intrigued by the possibility that Miley Cyrus’s alleged “performance” at VMA was intended as a criticism of the pro-date-rape sentiment of Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines,” but I suspect we’re just witnessing the latest celebrity breakdown. Here’s a mommyblogger who calls it as she sees it. Yes, this is what happens when you constantly…

The Day I Stopped Saying ‘Hurry Up’

Adorable photos help tell this story about a type-A parent realizing she’s been blessed with a type-B child. “You don’t have to rush. Just take your time,” I said gently. Her whole face instantly brightened and her shoulders relaxed. And so we sat side-by-side talking about things that ukulele-playing-6-year-olds talk about. There were even moments…

Handshakes Really Do Matter

Monday night handshake/eye contact practice. [W]hen was the last time you analyzed your handshake? Consider these questions: If you are a male and you meet a female, who should extend their hand first? If you are a male and you are meeting another male, who should extend his hand first? If you are a female…

The Milestones That Matter Most

[W]hen Japanese and American fourth and fifth grade children were asked why they shouldn’t hit, gossip or fight with other kids, 92 percent of the American kids answered “because they’d get caught or get in trouble.” Ninety percent of the Japanese kids asked the same question responded, “because it would be hurtful to someone else.”…

Brain, Interrupted

In most situations, the person juggling e-mail, text messaging, Facebook and a meeting is [not multitasking, but] really doing something called “rapid toggling between tasks,” and is engaged in constant context switching. As economics students know, switching involves costs. But how much? When a consumer switches banks, or a company switches suppliers, it’s relatively easy…