Plato, Montaigne, Pascal—those were the major figures in the philosophical pantheon of my student days. But concurrently, in my literature classes, I came to be moved by poems such as John Donne’s defiant sonnet “Death Be Not Proud,” which concludes on the paradoxically triumphant note that, for the dead, death shall be no more, that death shall die. I was later even more moved—no doubt because of the association with the horrors of Stalin’s regime—by the poet Anna Akhmatova’s lyric utterances about the regenerative virtues of the poetic logos, the Word that causes death’s defeat. These sounded to me like true declarations of freedom. — Victor Brombert reflects on death, in The Chronicle of Higher Education.
‘It’s mindblowing’: US meteorologists face death threats as hurricane conspiracies surge
My mother-in-law invited me to try out the 60- year-old tape machine that belonged to my f...
Bogus hit-and-run story about Vice President Kamala Harris created by Russian troll farm, ...
Talkback session after the matinee and my brother and faculty colleagues after the evening...
She’s on her way to the @thepublicpgh for two shows today as Margot in Dial M for Murder.
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