RT @GirlyLetters: A sensible take on the #DoctorWh…
RT @GirlyLetters: A sensible take on the #DoctorWho missing episodes rumors. sfx.co.uk/2013/10/07/so-…
RT @GirlyLetters: A sensible take on the #DoctorWho missing episodes rumors. sfx.co.uk/2013/10/07/so-…
RT @arnzen: Seton Hill search for Asst Prof of Communication w/specialty in advocacy #media, public relations, or #corporatecomm: http://t.…
“I’d like to find someone else to #homeschool my kids for me,” said a colleague today. (Being imperfect, I yell at my imperfect kids, too.)
RT @NCTE_CCCC: Stop grading those papers! Did you know 6 hrs of sleep or less raises susceptibility to viral infection by 50%? http://t.co/…
RT @AllieBGoLightly: ” #digitalhumanities is predicated on values: openness, interdisciplinary, collaborative” – @kmiffitt #tcpgh13
@JoolieBoolie210 The curtain call dance alone made me want to see the show again.
RT @SamekAshley: I have been saying chain all wrong. It is actually chaaaain while one indicates a chain around their neck #comoferrors #el…
To tweet or not to tweet from your seat in the theater? #tcpgh13 @THATCampPGH amt-lab.org/blog/2013/07/t…
Enjoying a bit of Beatles nerdology from the audience in Joula’s lunch keynote on textual analysis. @THATCampPGH #tcpgh13
Most of the attendees at my Scratch workshop also wanted to hear about Inform7. #tcpgh13 @THATCampPGH
Looks like my Scratch proposal is a go for 11:15 in the McGuire Room, 3rd Floor, Library. Now to find that room… #tcpgh13 @THATCampPGH
Very interested in the proposal on pros & cons of letting patrons tweet during theater performances. #tcpgh13 @THATCampPGH
RT @frittersandclam: I want to propose a session just to walk out of it. Love it. #tcpgh13
Also pitching a workshop on Informy @THATCampPGH #tcpgh13 inform7.com/if/anth/Introd…
I’m about to give a mini pitch for a workshop on Scratch at #tcpgh13 @THATCampPGH youtube.com/watch?v=Jd58fe…
#tcpgh13 Amanda French video…. Bail out of any session that’s unproductive, even if you proposed it yourself. youtu.be/g-TbGgmrJwc
#tcpgh13 Is getting started. The conference focuses on blending technology and the humanities.
@THATCampPGH is getting started. I spent a half hour wandering around Chatham… made it to registration just before things got started.
My new MacBook Air took 10 minutes to render a video that would have taken 2-3 hours on my previous computer. Thank you, @SetonHillCIO !
I just gave in the 2013 Day of Giving at pittsburghgives.org