I almost cried while reading this.
But the best part is getting to share with my kids, share the geeky things that informed my childhood and continue to inform my existence: Star Wars, Star Trek, math, science, reading, writing, music, computers and video games, movies and television. I can’t tell you the joy of having my kids get into Doctor Who and comic books and Lord of the Rings, and then talking with them about the important aspects of the stories and watching them just soak it up. I lived through the school years as a breed apart (though I had good friends who were geeks, too), so it makes me feel great to be able to inform and guide my kids through the social aspects, and the occasional challenges, of growing up as a geek. All parents want to protect their kids, but I like to think the best protection I can offer them is to help them understand what will happen, why, and how to best deal with it. I want them to know that different isn’t bad, and that being intelligent and inquisitive is something to be proud of. —Amazon.com: Geek Dad: Awesomely Geeky Projects and Activities for Dads and Kids to Share.