I never actually had to teach my son to read. He went smoothly from being read to, to reading along, to reading on his own. The transition for my daughter has been a little rougher, so in the last year or so, whenever Carolyn showed an interest in reading, I’ve praised her for her accomplishment.
Last weekend we were driving to Denny’s for a family treat when she read some random sign, and we habitually praised her.
She got a skeptical look on her face. “Everybody’s treating me like a queen. All I did was read a word. I’m seven.”
Unmarked assignments. Major drafts came in over the weekend so I lost some ground but I kn...
Making sidewalks to go with the buildings. Tedious but will save time later. #blender3d #m...
I love a little courtyard. I think I’ve made enough #blender3d buildings for now. On to th...
Carolyn choreographed a fight-dance adaptation of Romeo and Juliet.
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That is pretty funny. My son is 6 and has been reading pretty well since starting kindergarden. It still surprises me though anytime we go somewhere and he starts reading off signs. I’m sure I’ll get used to it eventually :)