“Apparently Jennifer Lopez is coming out with a new ‘fragrance’ (which is what they call perfume these days, I guess) called Glow by J-Lo. Here’s some others that will follow on its heels.
- Mince by Prince
- This Is How You Should Smell by Martha Stewart
- Texas Tea by G.W.B.
- Free For The Taking by Winona
- Affair by Cher
- I Am Led To Understand That This Has An Agreeable Odor But, Lacking A Nose, I Cannot Vouch For It Myself by Michael Jackson
- Stink by N*Sync
- Attack of the Colognes by Lucas
- Drool by Jewel
- I Hereby Command You To Purchase This by Oprah
- Republic of Sudan by Alan Greenspan
- Stench by Judi Dench”
Matthew Baldwin
—Non ScentsDefective Yeti)
BTW, I get a lot of links from Jorn Barger’s Robot Wisdom.