The PocketMod is a new way to keep yourself organized. Lets face it, PDA’s are to expensive and cumbersome, and organizers are bulky and hard to carry around. Nothing beats a folded up piece of paper. That is until now. —The PocketMod
It is a folded-up piece of paper, but such a cool piece of paper! When I was an undergraduate, I had a geeky calendar program, and I would print out a single page with a week’s worth of appointments and notes. At the end of the day, I’d transfer notes from the paper to my computer, and the next morning before I left I’d print out the next week’s notes.
Then one day when I was walking past a Radio Shack, I saw a pocket-sized brochure advertising the Palm. I put the brochure in my shirt pocket, and before long I had the real thing in there. I’ve hardly removed it since. But still, sometimes I miss my sheets of paper — reminding me of a time in my life when, if I had read the required number of pages and produced the required number of papers, I was done, and I had official permission from the universe to slack off for a while — at least until somebody else told me what to do next. (Oh, the joys of youth.)
Via Metafilter.
Those are great, until one evening you had one to many glasses of your favorite wine, and the next thing you know, you have sat on your beloved PDA. What is a geek to do?