Awopbopaloobop, alopbamboom! —Roger Ebert —Just Friends (Roger
Ebert can’t seem to stay on the subject of reviewing the movie Just Friends. Pretty funny. (Via MetaFilter.)
Awopbopaloobop, alopbamboom! —Roger Ebert —Just Friends (Roger
Ebert can’t seem to stay on the subject of reviewing the movie Just Friends. Pretty funny. (Via MetaFilter.)
This is hilarious. And in it, I detect echoes of your earlier post, about the lack of value in criticism to make any real changes on the practices of the media industry (here, Ebert’s criticism (I don’t think he writes reviews but criticism). I empathize with his plight, having to review tripe, knowing that no one who would be interested in such a film would ever really read his review, so why bother even trying.
This is also a sad comment on the film industry’s constant attempt at banking on what William Paul terms “Animal Comedy” (gross-out teen exploitation films in the tradition of Animal House). Please, Ebert, help us all.