Just as other people don’t necessarily understand my work, I don’t understand how hard it is to drive a truck for 12 hours a day, to pick lettuce year in and year out, to raise a child with autism, to struggle with an anxiety disorder, to not understand math no matter how hard you try, or to do any number of things I never will have to do or have never had to struggle with. —Being misunderstood (some prewriting for the day) (The Paper Chase)
This blog entry starts out like the old Brady Bunch episode, you know, where Mike and Carol switch jobs for a day in order to see how the other side lives. But after the venting, it moves on to this thoughtful observation. We’re not the only ones who are misunderstood.
I didn’t blog this because of any particular personal incident, just found it via Inside Higher Ed’s “Around the Web” feature.
Note: Carol had a full-time live-in housekeeper, so her life couldn’t have been as bad as many other women.