Substantially fewer films will be produced over the next year or two. And a significant portion of the production costs of the reduced slate will be borne by hedge funds and other investment groups.
Talk to the corporate hierarchs and you quickly elicit the thinking behind this pullback: Too many movies have been crammed into a market whose appetite for new product has obviously leveled off. —Peter Bart —Hedge your bets (Variety)
They have it all wrong, as usual. Maybe they need to ask why rental companies are carrying more and more Asian films. I find myself watching mostly movies from independent companies, and a multitude of innovative and interesting films from Korea, China, and Japan. And these are not Kung Fu, chop socky films. It would be more accurate to say that “Too many clones, remakes, and formula movies have been crammed into a market whose appetite for the same old crap has obviously leveled off.