With upswept roofs and, often, curvaceous, geometric shapes, and bold use of glass, steel and neon, it decorated many a motel, coffee house and bowling alley in the 1950s and 1960s. It epitomises the spirit a generation demanded, looking excitedly towards a bright, technological and futuristic age. As it became clear that the future would not look like The Jetsons, the style came to be timeless rather than futuristic. As with the art deco style of the 1930s it has remained undervalued until many of its finest examples have been destroyed.
—Googie space age (Jahsonic.com)
I’ve always loved the look. Never knew it had a name.
I had to leave after I talked to you in your office and didn’t get to upload my assignment on quotations so I checked J-web and it wouldn’t let me upload it. Please help! Also, it says that I didn’t put in my peer review exercises and I uploaded them ahead of time, so I put extra copies in the late box. Please don’t give me a late grade, they were on time.