CCCC Chicago 2006 (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog)
I’m in Chicago this week for the Conference on College Composition and Communication. I had a very hectic weekend doing some emergency blog maintenance, working an article I had promised and a story pitch for which I’ve got high hopes, and working ahead so my students can work on their own until I get back.
I got in to the hotel about 9pm last night, and though I had my laptop with me and a good wireless connection, I didn’t get much work done.
I slept in until about 10am.
I’ll mosey out of here and head over to the conference hotel in a few hours. I’ll try to liveblog the conference, if I can.
Update, 23 Mar: Here is Day 1 of the CCCCs blogged.
Quick visit to see my mother and siblings.
The daughter missed her graduation ceremony because she was performing in Kinetic Theatre'...
This was a rough term. Still have a winter term course to publish before midnight but time...
My brother drove my mother in to see Carolyn in tonight’s opening night Kinetic Theatre pr...
‘People are rooting for the whale’: the strange American tradition of Moby-Dick reading ma...
It’s something to do.
Dennis, Have fun! Maybe next year I will be there when I start teaching freshman composition.