PDK Question (n=500)“Do you favor or oppose allowing students and parents to choose a private school to attend at public expense?”
- 37% Favor
- 55% Oppose
- 5% Neither Favor or Oppose
- 2% Don’t Know/Refused
Adjusted Question (n=500)“Do you favor or oppose allowing students and parents to choose any school, public or private, to attend using public funds??
- 60% Favor
- 33% Oppose
- 5% Neither Favor or Oppose
- 2% Don’t Know/Refused
—New Evidence Calls PDK School Choice Poll into Question (Friedman Foundation)
This is a great example of how a subtle change in the wording of a question can significantly affect the way the public responds.
Think of that the next time you hear a politician or a TV talking head recite the numbers from a poll.
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