CAA spokesman Michael Mand said he “could neither confirm nor deny” that the agency is representing whoever is behind the 27 video posts. (Other talent agencies and production companies contacted by The Times denied any connection.)
As to horror film rumors, calls made to several studios found no such plans — but plenty of fascination for the way in which a Hollywood-ready cultural phenomenon has been built from a grass-roots Web platform. Lonelygirl15, many say, is the next-generation “Blair Witch Project,” using interactive forms of storytelling that, like the 1999 hit, tries to trick an audience into thinking it’s true.
Indeed, if a commercial project does result, lonelygirl15 may prove to be a model of how to harness a groundswell created on seemingly populist, user-driven websites such as YouTube and MySpace. —Richard Rushfield —Mystery Fuels Huge Popularity of Web’s Lonelygirl15 (LA Times)
NEAT! Of course, from the creator’s perspective, you do it once, you can’t do it again, in a ‘web that cried wolf’ sort of way. But it’s yet another great premise and use of the web to engage an audience.