Ted Stevens was right…. The Internet is a Series of Tubes (techno remix).
But the Parisian telegram system in the early 1900s and the American postal system in the mid 20th century had their own tubes, as Molly Wright Steenson demonstrates (in this example of Pecha Kucha, a genre of speech delivered with exactly 20 slides, each one displayed for exactly 15 seconds).
I’m thinking this is a still from the cringey Season 1 episode of TNG where the natives bu...
Each building in my #medievalyork simulation has four levels of detail (so that distant ob...
Another corner building. Designed and textured. Needs an interior. #blender3d #design #ae...
What have my students learned about creative nonfiction writing? During class they are col...
There’s No Longer Any Doubt That Hollywood Writing Is Powering AI
The complex geometry on this wedge building took me all weekend.  #blender3d #medievalyork...