National Headline Contest 2011
Great headlines from winner David Bowman. National Headline Contest 2011.
Great headlines from winner David Bowman. National Headline Contest 2011.
25 Stupid Newspaper Headlines.
Everyone makes mistakes. As a student journalist, I completely muffed the last name of a faculty member I was assigned to interview. (A few years later, I found myself working a PR job, with that guy as my supervisor. It’s a small world.) So, with the full understanding that I am the pot calling the…
Here’s a “glass is half full” headline that makes me proud to work at Seton HIll: Seton Hill U Students Step In, Help Officer Being Attacked By Man Here’s a “glass is half empty” headline that makes me go “oops”: Seton Hill student turns Taser on Greensburg police officer Here’s a more neutral headline that…
From Language Log: Much of the blame for the public’s poor understanding of science must go to a little studied but culturally pivotal genre: news report headlines. Short snappy headlines provide the lazy reader with just enough information to totally misconstrue a story. There’s a reason why the writing in newspapers doesn’t look like the…