AP Meteor Crash Report Was a Hoax

Associated Press editors were forced to retract an earlier report that a meteorite might have hit near Olympia, Wash., this morning after discovering that a source, one Bradley Hammermaster, claiming to be an astronomy professor, had perpetrated a hoax. —Joe Strupp —AP Meteor Crash Report Was a Hoax  (Editor and Publisher) Similar:Visiting the #scienceofpixar exhibit…

Image Reveals Mars' Active Past

Europe’s Mars Express probe has sent back detailed images of a region of the Red Planet that was shaped by intensive continental plate activity. —Image Reveals Mars’ Active Past (BBC) Thanks for the suggestion, Neha. Similar:Visiting the #scienceofpixar exhibit @kaminsciencecenterStudents are trusting software like this to do their work.A former student working in SEO shared this.…

What's love gotta do with it?

So much for the evolutionary advantage of love. As to the proximate, immediate cause of love, scientists have found that the mother-offspring bond in humans and other animals is mediated by the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin. What researchers at University College London have now found is that romantic and maternal love activate many of the…

Access to the Literature: The Debate Continues [Introduction]

One jarring aspect of proposals to reform scholarly publishing is that, all too often, they implicitly consider ‘journals’ as a single homogenous entity, to which one universal publishing model can be applied. On the contrary, diversity is everywhere. In any discipline, journals range from high quality ‘must reads’ with high rejection rates — which in…

Europe probe detects Mars water ice

Mars Express, circling high above the surface, made the discovery on the Red Planet’s south pole, said agency scientist Jean-Pierre Bibring — an indication that Mars may once have sustained life. —Europe probe detects Mars water ice (CNN) Interesting… CNN’s European version of the Mars story says “More than 40 years of Mars exploration have yielded…

Atmospheric Optics

Light playing on water drops, dust or ice crystals in the atmosphere produces a host of visual spectacles – rainbows, halos, glories, coronas and many more. Some can be seen almost every day or so, some are once in a lifetime sights. Find out where to see them and how they form. Then seek and…

Danish writer cleared of 'scientific dishonesty'

Bjorn Lomborg, the author of a controversial book attacking the environment movement, was cleared yesterday of “scientific dishonesty” by the Danish science ministry. The ministry overturned a ruling in January by the Danish committee on scientific dishonesty (DCSD), part of the Danish Research Agency, that Mr Lomborg’s book The Skeptical Environmentalist was “clearly contrary to…

Let'sNaturalize Aesthetics

Evolutionary psychologists insist that wherever an intense pleasure is found in human life, there is likely some reproductive or survival advantage connected with it. Art has little practical value, but can deliver intense pleasure. Why? Aestheticians, please explain. —Denis Dutton —Let‘sNaturalize Aesthetics  (Aesthetics Online) Dutton is the creator of the monumental Arts & Letters Daily,…

'That Damn Bird'

There are some things that the birds do that, colloquially speaking, “just blow us away.” We were training Alex to sound out phonemes, not because we want him to read as humans do, but we want to see if he understands that his labels are made up of sounds that can be combined in different…

Saturday's Lunar Eclipse

—Saturday’s Lunar Eclipse (Yahoo/AP) I didn’t actually see this part of the eclipse, but I put off Peter’s bath so I could take him out during the totality, and then cut his bath short so I could show him the moon re-emerging. Peter asked whether an eclipse was dangerous, and wanted to hold my hand. Of…


The butterfly effect has, until now, been cited only as an illustration, but Professor Jim Spanners of the Pennsylvania Institute for Making Stuff Up takes it seriously, and believes that butterflies are directly responsible for most of the world’s major problems. —Butterfly (The University of the Bleeding Obvious) Similar:Visiting the #scienceofpixar exhibit @kaminsciencecenterThe daughter missed her…

Costa Rica 5

Here I was in a place where the jungle goes all the way to the ocean, with only a strip of beach dividing the two. Sand crabs, hermit crabs, and crab crabs skitter across the path, and lizards are pretty common. If you look up you likely see white faced monkeys, and iguana are common…