Khan Academy and the Effectiveness of Science Videos – YouTube

Interesting implications for the flipped classroom.  If students think they already understand something, they’ll tune out of a video lecture. Students watched a science video they frequently described as “clear,” but in a post-test it turns out the video had actually confirmed their incorrect assumptions. When students watched a second video that first presented and…

The heroine’s journey

Near the end of a review of a time-management game, Emily Short offers some fairly brilliant narratological observations. A Little Princess and Jane Eyre — and buckets of other classic and semi-classic literature for young women — revolve around the idea of patient, perennial self-sacrifice and obedience as a way of life, with the hope that one day,…

Notes on The Death of the Author

Some passages that struck me as I reviewed the influential Roland Barthes essay. [I]n ethnographic societies the responsibility for a narrative is never assumed by a person but by a mediator, shaman or relator whose ‘performance’ — the mastery of the narrative code — may possibly be admired but never his ‘genius’.T he author is…

The Horror… The Horror! How Music in Horror Games Effects Player Experience

From one of my students, a blog-based presentation on music in horror games. Regardless, safety in ARG’s may not necessarily diminish the game’s terror-effects. Many horror movies and games are based upon the principles of Freud’s theory of The Uncanny, or what makes something scary (Helene Cixous, a literary critic, gives an advanced yet interesting…

I know that look.

This was my 9yo today. She doesn’t get into fights with other kids, just with us — about going to bed, or getting up, or drinking out of a cup with a creepy pirate on it, or doing any lesson other than theater or art. Beyond throwing an eraser or stuffed animal in huffy anger,…

The Psychology of Darth Vader Revealed

The researchers also suggested that the success of the “Star Wars” prequel films might partially rely upon how teens can relate to the troubled Anakin Skywalker. Only adults can be diagnosed with to borderline personality disorder under the current DSM-IV guidelines, but Bui and Rodgers pointed to several studies that suggest the disorder is fairly…

Mistakes we made along the way

The value of this essay is not specifically in the nostalgia for ye goode ole days of bloggynge, but rather the combination of work-ethic angst and the recognition of the value of investing effort in long-term projects, as opposed to seeking immediate rewards for clear-cut, predetermined actions. The philosophical reflections of the shovel-wielding ditch-digger are…

Ponying Up in Educational Technology

On Twitter, SHU librarian Kelly Clever linked to a ProfHacker blog post about iPad snobbishness, writing We’re so used to most folks at #setonhill having iPads… Is it a different story off-campus? Having been a committed PDA user since 1998, I use my iPod Touch all the time, but I honestly can’t say I would have thought…

A Shattered Nation Longs To Care About Stupid Bullshit Again

Painfully funny-because-it’s-true satire from The Onion’s original coverage of the 9-11 terror attacks. According to Georgetown University history professor Timothy Schuitt, our interest in stupid bullshit is what makes America great. “The United States is a free country, a strong country, a prosperous country,” Schuitt said. “Many veterans gave their lives so we would have…

Awesome Modular Tables

Maura 331, where I’ll spend 6 hours a week teaching has been refitted with these awesome modular tables. Our great CIT folks took out the huge, blocky, immobile PC stations. Since students have their own MacBooks and iPads, there is no reason to clutter up the space. I love the freedom this setup provides. It’s…

Photographer Says No To Senior Pictures For Bullying Students – High School Playbook – Main News Story – WTAE Pittsburgh

Freelance photographer Jen McKendrick won’t take pictures of “ugly people” — that is, the high school bullies who were doing what bullies do on Facebook. “If you are ugly on the inside,” says McKendrick, “I’m sorry but I won’t take your photos to make you look pretty on the outside!” A WTAE-TV article explains it thus: McKendrick…

Can a Playground Be Too Safe?

After observing children on playgrounds in Norway, England and Australia, Dr. Sandseter identified six categories of risky play: exploring heights, experiencing high speed, handling dangerous tools, being near dangerous elements (like water or fire), rough-and-tumble play (like wrestling), and wandering alone away from adult supervision. The most common is climbing heights. “Climbing equipment needs to…