See Astrophysicists in Captivity

On a platform before a crowd of curious onlookers, the scientists eagerly ripped open a box of CDs containing data from a newly released million-second-long exposure taken by two cameras onboard the Hubble telescope, and struggled to transfer the data to nearby computers as they answered a multitude of questions shouted out by reporters and…

Name that Candy Bar

Can you identify the candybar by looking at the cross section? Make a guess and click on the cross section to find the answer. —Name that Candy Bar (Science Museum of Minnesota) I gave up chocolate for Lent, so naturally I’m tormenting myself on this site. Via Page’s Page.

Examining the '10%' Meme

Examining the ‘10%’ MemeJerz’s Literacy Weblog) Many of my students are thinking and talking about the gay marriage issue. Johanna Dreyfuss mentioned the “10%” statistic, citing the Kinsey report, via I’ve encountered this statistic in student papers before, so I know that Kinsey didn’t actually claim that 10% of the population was gay. According…

Dinosaur impact theory challenged

Scientists have cast doubt on the well-established theory that a single, massive asteroid strike killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. New data suggests the Chicxulub crater in Mexico, supposedly created by the collision, predates the extinction of the dinosaurs by about 300,000 years. —Dinosaur impact theory challenged (BBC) Other cosmic news: Mars “soaking wet…

Of Human Accomplishment

[O]bjective achievements in the arts are demonstrable?and if they can be historically established for the arts, then they are even more clearly identifiable for the sciences. These two spheres of human endeavor represent two kinds of potential objectivity: there is as little chance of the human race giving up Homer or the Beethoven symphonies as…

Scientists Plan 'Deep Impact' Crash With Comet

Planning for the Deep Impact mission began in 1999. It culminates on July 4, 2005, when a “fly-by” spacecraft will release a smaller “impactor” spacecraft, which will smash into comet Tempel 1 at 37,000 kilometers (22,000 miles) per hour…. The impact is expected to create a crater 100 meters in diameter and up to 30…

Europe probe detects Mars water ice

Mars Express, circling high above the surface, made the discovery on the Red Planet’s south pole, said agency scientist Jean-Pierre Bibring — an indication that Mars may once have sustained life. —Europe probe detects Mars water ice (CNN) Interesting… CNN’s European version of the Mars story says “More than 40 years of Mars exploration have yielded…

Atmospheric Optics

Light playing on water drops, dust or ice crystals in the atmosphere produces a host of visual spectacles – rainbows, halos, glories, coronas and many more. Some can be seen almost every day or so, some are once in a lifetime sights. Find out where to see them and how they form. Then seek and…

Neodymium Super Magnets

Matt Hoy writes: They sell rare earth magnets. Incredibly strong and small. I ordered a bunch of them. These would be useful for creating the “hard drive killer” door frame [Neal] Stephenson mentions in “Cryptonomicon”. They sell one monster with over 350 lbs of force. I’m afraid I had to buy smaller ones, since I…

'Historic find' is old garden patio

Huge slabs uncovered in Marion Garry’s garden in Buckhaven, Fife, had experts convinced they had found evidence of an early Viking village….Mr Speirs admitted that his team mistakenly ignored the finds of a World War II child’s gas mask and old television remote in their hunt for Viking evidence. —‘Historic find’ is old garden patio (BBC)

Danish writer cleared of 'scientific dishonesty'

Bjorn Lomborg, the author of a controversial book attacking the environment movement, was cleared yesterday of “scientific dishonesty” by the Danish science ministry. The ministry overturned a ruling in January by the Danish committee on scientific dishonesty (DCSD), part of the Danish Research Agency, that Mr Lomborg’s book The Skeptical Environmentalist was “clearly contrary to…