Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber

“In the fall of 1958 Theodore Kaczynski, a brilliant but vulnerable boy of sixteen, entered Harvard College. There he encountered a prevailing intellectual atmosphere of anti-technological despair. There, also, he was deceived into subjecting himself to a series of purposely brutalizing psychological experiments — experiments that may have confirmed his still-forming belief in the evil…

Better Living Through Chemistry

“In much of the world, after all, the popular conception of DDT is of a dangerous and toxic chemical that pollutes water and poisons the food chain; in the United States, DDT is remembered as the pesticide that helped put bald eagles on the endangered species list. But a growing body of scientific evidence suggests…

Chemical Brothers

“The Lunatics, as they occasionally dubbed themselves, lived in an age when the magic of science gripped the popular imagination. Crowds flocked to demonstrations of newly discovered forces like “ELECTRICITY”?in the words of one advertisement, “that branch of Philosophy which engrosses so much Conversation everywhere.” Using strange-looking contraptions, showmen conjured “lightning” inside huge glass globes,…

The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science

“There is, alas, no scientific claim so preposterous that a scientist cannot be found to vouch for it. And many such claims end up in a court of law after they have cost some gullible person or corporation a lot of money. How are juries to evaluate them?” Here are Park’s warning signs: The discoverer…

MemexSim: The Memex Simulator

“This project, the Memex Simulator, examines the ideas of the Memex and implements them as faithfully to Doctor Bush’s original specifications as is possible given the small amount of information available on the as-of-yet unrealized physical design. Because of the prohibitive complexity and cost of film and hardware for a device such as the Memex,…

It Didn't Have to Happen

“Just as Icarus did not heed his father?s warning to stay away from the sun, NASA engineers ignored warning signs before and after liftoff that the shuttle was doomed to burn up when it re-entered the atmosphere. Like Icarus, they were guilty of hubris. | But the hapless engineers are not the only ones to…

On 50th Anniversary, Co-Discoverer of DNA Now Advocates Racial Engineering

Legendary scientist James Watson advocates therapies or screening to elimiate low-intelligence people from the population. That’s called eugenics, an ideology that the Nazis were happy to adopt for their own purposes. Watson also wants to breed prettier girls. Apparently, even the most brilliant scientists can say things that are not only stupid, but also racist…

Computer Made from DNA and Enzymes

“Israeli scientists have devised a computer that can perform 330 trillion operations per second, more than 100,000 times the speed of the fastest PC. The secret: It runs on DNA….|hink of DNA as software, and enzymes as hardware. Put them together in a test tube. The way in which these molecules undergo chemical reactions with…

The New Humanists

“The arts and the sciences are again joining together as one culture, the third culture. Those involved in this effort?on either side of C.P. Snow’s old divide?are at the center of today’s intellectual action. They are the new humanists…..In too much of academia, intellectual debate tends to center on such matters as who was or…

Most People Kiss the Right Way

“Over the next two and a half years, Güntürkün recorded 124 scientifically valid kisses in public places across the United States, Germany and Turkey.” —Most People Kiss the Right WayNature) The story cited above is a puffy little version of an academic article called “Adult persistence of head-turning asymmetry”

Utah Bowled Over by Meteor Plan

“In a milestone of scientific eccentricity, local astronomers have announced that they want to simulate the behaviour of falling meteorites by dropping bowling balls from aircraft – though the plan has gone down like a lead spaceship with government officials.” —Utah Bowled Over by Meteor Plan Observer)

Genetics: Why Prince Charles is So Wrong

“The genetic code is truly digital, in exactly the same sense as computer codes. This is not some vague analogy, it is the literal truth. Moreover, unlike computer codes, the genetic code is universal. Modern computers are built around a number of mutually incompatible machine languages, determined by their processor chips. The genetic code, on…

The Secret Life of Pronouns: Flexibility in Writing Style and Physical Health

“[I]ndividuals randomly assigned to write about emotional topics evidence improved physical health compared with those who write about superficial topics…. [F]lexibility in the use of common words — particularly personal pronouns — when writing about traumatic memories was related to positive health outcomes.” R. Sherlock Campbell and James W. Pennebaker —The Secret Life of Pronouns:…