Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rewatch

When ST:DS9 began, I had just started my PhD program. When the series ended seven years later I was a husband, father, and tenure track assistant professor of English. During the sixth season of DS9, I moved to a city without a local station that ran DS9. I was so busy with other things that I fell out of the TV-watching habit.

I remember, back then, thinking that I should someday make the time to watch the whole series again. I think someday has come.

It took me about three years to get though my ST:TNG rewatch. I hope to get through my ST:DS9 rewatch a lot faster.

Season Five

  1. Apocalypse Rising
  2. The Ship
  3. Looking For Par’Mach…
  4. Nor The Battle To The Strong
  5. The Assignment
  6. Trials and Tribble-ations
  7. Let He Who Is Without Sin
  8. Things Past
  9. The Ascent
  10. Rapture
  11. The Darkness and The Light
  12. The Begotten
  13. For The Uniform
  14. In Purgatory’s Shadow
  15. By Inferno’s Light
  16. Doctor Bashir, I Presume
  17. A Simple Investigation
  18. Business As Usual
  19. Ties of Blood and Water
  20. Ferengi Love Songs
  21. Soldiers of The Empire
  22. Children of Time
  23. Blaze of Glory
  24. Empok Nor
  25. In The Cards
  26. Call To Arms