Do you know the origin of term BSOD aka ?Blue Screen of Death?? Well, the term ?Blue Screen of Death? was not the original acronym for BSOD. The original term meant the ?Black Screen of Death? and was seen when running under Windows 3.0. A user would attempt to run a DOS application and instead of the DOS application running, the entire screen would turn black with a blinking cursor in the top left hand corner of the screen. —Wallace B. McClure —Origin of BSOD [‘Blue Screen of Death’] (All About Wallym)
For Julie & Donna.
What have my students learned about creative nonfiction writing? During class they are col...
There’s No Longer Any Doubt That Hollywood Writing Is Powering AI
Sesame Street had a big plot twist in November 1986
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I’ve been teaching with this handout for over 25 years, updating it regularly. I just remo...
Despite its impressive output, generative AI doesn’t have a coherent understanding of the ...
Yes, it seems that some things–great things, like the BSOD–never change, do they?
Who knew there was actually advanced technology behind Windows 3.0?! I had that on my ’92 Packard Bell… *aie*
Nifty! Although I don’t think I remember Windows 3.0. I was probably in elementary school. Good to know the blue screen of death has survived all the great, new technology.