CSS Not Displaying on My Site?Jerz’s Literacy Weblog)
I’ve been pulling my hair out for the last 2 hours because something seems to be wrong with the style sheets on my site. Do my pages look the way they usually do? Most of the time, I get no styles whatsoever, then about once out of every 10 times, the page loads properly, but when I reload it, the stylesheet disappears again.
In the past, when I’ve run into this problem, it doesn’t seem to have affected other users.
It figures it would happen on the first day of classes… and my wife is pissed at me because I’m very late coming home. Grr!
Update, Jan 13: OK, thanks all. I guess it was just my machine, then.
Update: I’m blogging this mostly so I remember it… when I have a stylesheet problem, and then post a comment or edit an entry on this blog, for some reason the problem fixes itself. It’s happened three times now.
All right, so we all experienced “technical difficulties,” but for some levity check this out: http://homestarrunner.com/systemisdown.html
Thump the side of your monitor, or just threaten it verbally. That sometimes works.
I’ve often “fixed” my e-mail program when it won’t receive by creating and sending out an e-mail.
It’s just the logic of computers, I suppose.
How bizzare. I wish I had some idea why this stuff was happening!
Repeat after me: “Wife first. Blog later.”
completely normal here…I can relate
Dennis, over the weekend I saw formatting problems with your weblog page (the entries showed first then the right hand links showed at the bottom) but things everything looks fine yesterday and today.
Dennis, I can relate with your Dreamweaver problem. Right now I am trying to build my new site using a template, but the program has trouble keeping my layout straight! All I can tell myself is “It’s still better than FrontPage…”
Well, that makes no sense whatsoever — it seems to be working fine now.