This is an incredibly efficient, beautifully constructed index to interactive fiction games, with icons indicating platform, awards, and additional information.
I wish I could click on the award icon and be taken to a list of other games that shared the same award. Actually, clicking on any icon ought to filter out the results that don’t share that quality — for instance, if I only want to look at games that won the IF Art Show “Best of Show.”
There are other sites that offer that sort of information, but because I know it’s available, I missed it when I was briefly poking around this site.
Each building in my #medievalyork simulation has four levels of detail (so that distant ob...
Another corner building. Designed and textured. Needs an interior. #blender3d #design #ae...
What have my students learned about creative nonfiction writing? During class they are col...
There’s No Longer Any Doubt That Hollywood Writing Is Powering AI
The complex geometry on this wedge building took me all weekend. #blender3d #medievalyork...
Sesame Street had a big plot twist in November 1986