Virtual Punchcard Server

—Virtual Punchcard Server ( I found this and a great Tongue Twister Database (if by “database” you mean “long list”) via J-Walk Weblog. Similar:Students are trusting software like this to do their work.A former student working in SEO shared this. I miss Google classic.Googling Is for Old People. That’s a Problem for Google.What have my students…

Reasons to be cheerful

Thanks to the fact that I write, my life is satisfactory: I can inhabit gloom and live in joy. When something unpleasant happens to me, provided only that is potentially of literary use, my first thought is ?How best can I describe this?? I thereby distance myself from my own displeasure or irritation. As I…

Let'sNaturalize Aesthetics

Evolutionary psychologists insist that wherever an intense pleasure is found in human life, there is likely some reproductive or survival advantage connected with it. Art has little practical value, but can deliver intense pleasure. Why? Aestheticians, please explain. —Denis Dutton —Let‘sNaturalize Aesthetics  (Aesthetics Online) Dutton is the creator of the monumental Arts & Letters Daily,…

Michael Jackson Aging

If Michael Jackson did not have all his surgery over the years, this is how he might look at the age of 45. —Michael Jackson Aging ( Click the link to see the images… I’m too lazy to make thumbnails tonight. Similar:The Ascent #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 9) Odo and Quark bicker their way…


—Canstruction Model of Independence Hall, birthplace of the American Revolution. Made out of cans. Thanks for the suggestion, Rosemary. Similar:The Ascent #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 9) Odo and Quark bicker their way up …Visiting the #scienceofpixar exhibit @kaminsciencecenterQuick visit to see my mother and siblings.Things Past #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 8)…

'The other phone's a little…'

—‘The other phone’s a little…’ (No Media Kings) Jim Munroe is a new media generalist — a writer, interactive fiction designer, and video filmmaker. I enjoyed his video “>interactive,” and was Googling just now for something or other, and came across this short film, with a very dry, understated punchline that made me laugh out loud.…

Film-maker Leni Riefenstahl Dies

Controversial film-maker Leni Riefenstahl, who made the Nazi propaganda film Triumph of the Will, has died aged 101. | Riefenstahl became a favourite of German dictator Adolf Hitler in the 1930s, making films for his fascist regime. | Her most famous work was Triumph of the Will, a propaganda film showing a Nazi rally in…

Learning to Love PowerPoint

This is Dan Rather’s profile. Expanded to the nth degree. Taken to infinity. Overlayed on the back of Patrick Stewart’s head. It’s recombinant phrenology. The elements of phrenology recombined in ways that follow the rules of irrational logic, a rigorous methodology that follows nonrational rules. It is a structure for following your intuition and your…

Manufactured Landscapes: The Photographs of Edward Burtynsky

—Manufactured Landscapes: The Photographs of Edward Burtynsky (Cowles Gallery) Rosemary Frezza first suggested the Washington Post’s current article on Burtynsky, but since that will expire soon she did a little hunting and found the Cowles Gallery link. There is really no quotable text in the gallery press release (“BURTYNSKY’s photographs, monumental both in scale and subject,…

The Problem with FX

“In the visual-effects community, ILM’s Hulk was seen as a major achievement: the life in the creature’s eyes, the way light played naturally off its skin, its synthesis into its surroundings, all were deemed first-rate. Film critics, however, panned not only the movie but ILM’s work. The monster didn’t look real. Case closed.” Devin Gordon…

E-Mail Mobs Materialize All Over

“Set to gather at 7 p.m. at Grand Central Station for what promised to be an elaborate ‘mob ballet,’ the crowd of about 250 was greeted by a ‘huge’ police presence, according to the Mob Project’s anonymous organizer known only as Bill. | Bill said the mob moved to the Grand Hyatt next door instead.…

Pixelvision: A Meditation

“Though it may seem like a more recent creation, the pixel first appeared in New Jersey in 1954, the same year that Elvis cut his first record and the transistor radio was invented. At Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, mathematicians and engineers created the first computer graphic–and the first instance of digital typography–on a computer…

NASA Planetary Collage

NASA Planetary CollageAFP/NASA) No image of Pluto? I’m outraged! Disney’s copyright protection schemes have gone too far! Update: I found this image on the AP newswire feed. There was no link or credit, but Rosemary Frezza writes: This is the closest thing I could find on a NASA site so far. I wonder who…

Wearable Tech… Clothing that Changes Color

“The world in which clothing, paint, lighting, rugs, and curtains all change colors to match (or influence) our mood is coming, but it’s some time away — a lot of technology has to be made affordable and durable before then. In the meantime, IFM and other companies are working on ways to weave touch sensors…

Teachers Strip off for Calendar

“It’s not every day you see your teacher naked in the technology room or posing with a cello.” — Charlotte, British schoolgirl who helped organize teacher pinup calendar for charity. —Teachers Strip off for Calendar (BBC) Uh, I should hope not, Charlotte. The pictures really aren’t that revealing, but this is still just too weird. The…

The New Scholarship of Comics

“Today, students who come to a campus with Spider-Man on their minds may have trouble believing it, but they share the superhero with middle-aged professors. For, in our scholarly lives, many of us are not just harking back to distant memories of the Marvel comics of our childhoods, but creating a new scholarship on the…