“Fugitives can best be recognized by their relaxed attitude during office hours. However much work they have to do at the office, it can’t be any more stressful than what they have to deal with at home. Fugitives usually have at least one extremely comfortable chair in their office, and can occasionally be spotted sitting in that chair and staring off into space, just enjoying the peace and quiet.” James M. Lang —Office-Hour Habits of the North American Professor (Chronicle)
I would have to say that, according to the taxonomy presented by this amusing article, I am definitely a fugitive. But instead of spending my lonely office hours reading, I blog.
The Ascent #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 9) Odo and Quark bicker their way up ...
Things Past #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 8) Odo confronts his reputation as a...
Trials and Tribble-ations #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 6) Trivial Time Travel...
The daughter missed her graduation ceremony because she was performing in Kinetic Theatre'...
This was a rough term. Still have a winter term course to publish before midnight but time...
Couples in successful relationships always use these 6 phrases: 'You'll grow stronger both...
What really is a bad working habbits
chating around and doing nothing
killing time ( more like 2 always have a break)
missing deadlines