Pixelvision: A Meditation

“Though it may seem like a more recent creation, the pixel first appeared in New Jersey in 1954, the same year that Elvis cut his first record and the transistor radio was invented. At Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, mathematicians and engineers created the first computer graphic–and the first instance of digital typography–on a computer…

Bush Asks Congress for $30 Billion To Help Fight War On Criticism

“If the funding is approved, the Bush Administration will act swiftly to shore up numerous areas of vulnerability. Among the actions: ensuring that the White House is defended against verbal snipers, safeguarding the president’s past illicit actions from biographical weapons, and sealing off the largest sources of domestic criticism by securing and patrolling the nation’s…

Declaring a World War on Spam

“Lawmakers, consumer advocates and Internet industry officials gathered for the latest in a string of discussions on harmonizing international laws to cut back on spam, which now accounts for nearly half of all global e-mail. Spam has become a hot-button issue for politicians and business officials, who worry that unless it’s criminalized, spamming could become…

Bloggers Gain Libel Protection

“The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last Tuesday that Web loggers, website operators and e-mail list editors can’t be held responsible for libel for information they republish, extending crucial First Amendment protections to do-it-yourself online publishers. | Online free speech advocates praised the decision as a victory. The ruling effectively differentiates conventional news media,…