Smooth Talkers

“Speech integration technology is nothing new, as any telephone caller who has ever barked back responses to a seemingly endless series of voice prompts can testify. But an improved generation of speech integration software, based on more powerful processors and emerging Internet-focused standards, promises to make the technology more useful and cost-effective.” John Edwards —Smooth…

E-Mail Mobs Materialize All Over

“Set to gather at 7 p.m. at Grand Central Station for what promised to be an elaborate ‘mob ballet,’ the crowd of about 250 was greeted by a ‘huge’ police presence, according to the Mob Project’s anonymous organizer known only as Bill. | Bill said the mob moved to the Grand Hyatt next door instead.…

Power Outage

Power OutageLiteracy Weblog) A storm went through the area a few hours ago, and shortly after that the power went out. My laptop has about an hour of battery left, and the power company expects to have service restored by noon tomorrow. I’ll have to ration my blogging time. Update: Oh, good.. the power went…

Blee Blee [Blee]!

My daughter Carolyn looked at me from her high chair and, impatient for the jar of food I was opening, said “Blee blee blee!” As I gave her the first spoon I said, “That was a little extravagant, sweetheart. You made your point with ‘blee blee’.” She looked at me for about fifteen seconds, not…

Invisible Writers

“Over the years I’ve met a diverse collection of writers who have never been published or earned any academic credentials, yet whose claim to the title of artist is genuine. These invisible writers are soldiers and bakers, convicts and salesmen, winos, hairdressers, firefighters, farmers and waitresses. Their only qualifications to literary authenticity are their writings…

A Chat Room Like No Other

Steven Johnson describes the emotional interface over There. The software translates common emoticons and other abbreviations (such as LOL for “laughing out loud”) into gestures and expressions. It also automatically parses a small subset of words: If you type yes, your avatar will nod its head. Most of the time users convey emotion by typing…

Perceptions of Science: Natural Enemies–Metaphor or Misconception?

“Simplicity and intuitive appeal are also the main reasons why scientific language has never succeeded in “cleansing” itself from metaphorical “impurities,” despite several attempts to do so. Indeed, metaphors appear to be essential to all forms of language and understanding (4). But if scientific language is by necessity to some extent metaphorical, then interpretation of…

Raw Deal on Printer Ink

“The ink we print with can cost more than vintage champagne.” —Raw Deal on Printer Ink (BBC) The above is from 2003. In 2013, the situation was much the same: It’s enough that printer ink might be the most expensive liquid you buy. Even the cheapest ink, at about $13 an ounce, costs more than, say,…

Zacheus Manifesto

“Television, news papers, books, magazines, and other media perform a task of educating, informing, editorializing, advertising and marketing. In each of those domains, the individual is checked, editorialized, authorized and managed to repress what is truly individual and express a view acceptable for that medium at that time. This new medium is a unique medium,…

Alien Solar System Much Like Ours

“The alien system is just 90 light years away in the constellation Puppis. The star is at a similar stage of life as our sun and has no companion star, Jones said. It also is in the same galactic neighborhood, so background radiation levels should be about as low as in our solar system.” Erik…

Every Sims Picture Tells a Story

“What no one imagined — least of all The Sims’ designers — was that thousands of players would quickly bypass the album’s intended use and instead use it to create dozens of staged snapshots, crafting what can be complex, scripted, multi-episode social commentaries, graphic novels or even movies, as it were, with the Sims starring…

Hormel's pique e-rupts over Spam mail

“For years, Hormel Foods Corp. has watched as the name of its famous product has come to mean junk e-mail, a source of heartburn for computer users. | Now Hormel is asserting its trademark rights, filing complaints against Spam Arrest LLC, a Seattle technology company that provides spam-blocking software.” Jonathan Krim —Hormel’s pique e-rupts over…