On his way into District Justice Mark Bilik’s office, Harris, wearing a “Flamehead USA” T-shirt, told reporters “Yes, I did,” when asked if he set the fire. —Jason Lesher —Latrobe men admit setting apartment building fire (Tribune Review)
Note to self… if ever going anywhere near someone involved in the investigation of an arson case, change out of “Flamehead USA” T-shirt before speaking to the media.
Sounds very exciting. I hope you’ll consider taking pictures for The Setonian next year!
Our company was called out to that call. When the dispatcher’s announced that it was just a “dumpster fire” we took our time to the call (since we are on 2nd alarm) and then Latrobe’s Chief was screaming, “Working structure fire” so we bolted to the scene. Since I am not certified to be a maskman, I just grabbed the camera (since I love taking pictures) and I took about 20 snap shots of this blazing building. I learned after the fire that there was an apartment structure above the Johnston Florist building with families now homeless, that makes me grind my teeth. Stupid teenagers trying to do something “wild” in your life since they turned 20, grow up. Now after this little experience they had, messes up their future plans. I do have pictures of this incident (unforunately not on digital camera), so I will try to find a scanner as soon as possible to show everyone what exactly went on that night in Latrobe.