You’d have thought I’d thrown rats down on the tables. One student got really angry, said he never knew what to expect in this class and now he’d always be on guard from now on. Another said he felt that I’d broken his confidence–“It’s one thing to see it back and forth on e-mail, but when you print it out like that, I feel violated.” —Students offended by distribution of printed listserv postings (KairosNews)
All this, because a teacher handed out printed versions of listserv discussions. Sounds like there may be some other issues at play.
This is a dilemma I was concerned about before the semester started, because I’m running a group blog for the course I’m teaching. I intentionally hid the blog from Google, and I don’t link to it from my personal blog, because I was afraid that students would be gunshy if they knew the entire world might read their posts. But none of them seems to have even thought of this problem, so perhaps my concerns reflect more about my own anxieties about blogging than they do about my students’.