The key to a successful defense is not answering the questions they ask you, but figuring out how to give them the answers you have prepared, no matter what questions they ask.
The same, I understand now, is true of television or radio interviews. If they aren’t soliciting the answers you’ve rehearsed, you have to find a way to solicit the questions you want them to ask. —James M. Lang —My Four Minutes (Chronicle of Higher Education)
Interesting reflection by a professor who was interviewed on Fox’s Morning News. Note that the interviewer scanned a list of questions her producer had prepared for her, and then basically winged the interview.
The posthuman liberal arts
I’m still teaching journalism and my usual courses, but after 21 years I’ve stepped aside ...
Dr. David von Schlichten honors the spectrum of motivations (not always financial) feature...
I Don’t Know Why Everyone’s in Denial About College Students Who Can’t Do the Reading
How the printing press changed “you”: when reading changed, so did writing
Traces of Scribes