—Weblogging Software Leader Six Apart Acquires LiveJournal (Biz Yahoo)
There’s really nothing quotable in this rather dry press release, but I’m linking to it as a reference anyway. SixApart is the company that makes MoveableType, the software I use for blogs.setonhill.edu. An increasing number of my students are familiar with the LiveJournal style of personal blogging before they start learning how to use blogs as an academic tool. There is some friction between the two modes of blogging, and some students who have thrown themselves into the SHU blogosphere also feel the need to maintain a more personal blog elsewhere.
LiveJournal’s nickname is “teenangst.com”, since many of the users are adolescents who blog about personal topics, rather than professionals or college students who might write about academics, current events, technology, etc., in stead of (or in addition to) keeping a personal diary.
After checking blodgex, I see that this posting on apophenia resonates with many bloggers:
Movable Type is a product; LiveJournal is a community. Six Apart is seen as a community that provides tools, not culture. I suspect that if LJ goes to SA, there will be discontent from LJ users even though the media and blogosphere will hail it as an exceptionally [insert business rhetoric here] deal. Even if Six Apart doesn’t change a damn thing, i suspect that LJers will feel wary, unloved and co-opted by The Man. I can’t imagine them going anywhere fast but i can’t see them being happy either, nor can i see them continuing to contribute economically.