Teenagers are ten times more likely to use non-standard English in written exams than in 1980, using colloquial words, informal phrases and text-messaging shorthand — such as m8 for ‘mate’, 2 instead of ‘too’ and u for ‘you’.
Despite this, the two-year study found that today’s teenagers are using far more complex sentence structures, a wider vocabulary and a more accurate use of capital letters, punctuation and spelling. —Adam Fresco —Texting teenagers are proving ‘more literate than ever before’ (Times Online)
gr8 2 c
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Couples in successful relationships always use these 6 phrases: 'You'll grow stronger both...
Students are trusting software like this to do their work.
A former student working in SEO shared this. I miss Google classic.
dat’s gr8! i cant wait 4 this 2 come 2 GBG. o well. g2g. lol.