While their children are in class, parents like Hanlon and Leigh Jerz, of Unity Township, sit and chat.
Jerz’s 8-year-old son, Peter, is participating for the first time.
“I thought it would be enjoyable for us to see other home-school children and parents more regularly,” Jerz said.
Hanlon said the program offers home-schoolers resources they otherwise wouldn’t have — like access to science labs and a stage for drama classes.
“These are things that are hard to replicate when you’re teaching at home,” Hanlon said.
Jerz hopes the program will help educate future public school teachers about home-schoolers.
“It’s an opportunity to come together in a mutually beneficial way,” Jerz said. —Jennifer Reeger —Home-schoolers get taste of classroom (Tribune-Review)
Thanks for the link, Rosemary.
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