No comment. Just watch it. Two minutes well-spent. Via Kairosnews.
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Dennis, yesterday I wrote that the AARP seemed rather pessimistic about the prospects for our younger generations. By contrast, I have much more hope for our country’s future. Then, today I saw a wonderful article by Michelle Obama that was running in the USA TODAY newspaper about the need for young people to get involved in working actively to shape their communities for the better. She writes so eloquently about the need for public service. I would recommend her article to others:
While they may be right in their predictions, AARP seems to imply a certain lack of confidence in the younger generation. I’m more worried about the baby boomers spending us into oblivion. We need to leave something as a legacy for our kids and huge entitlement debts should not be one of them. For more, see this report by the McKinsey Global Institute: For the record, I am not saying that any generation is to blame, I’m just pointing out the need to conserve our resources, financial and otherwise, so the world will be as a good place or better than it is now for our children. We are truly blessed to live in a wonderful nation. Let’s work to keep it that way.
Wow.. Just… wow.