Privacy Fears Shock Facebook

The outcry suggests the exhibitionism and voyeurism implied by participation in social networking sites has ill-defined but nonetheless real limits, and expectations of privacy have somehow survived the publishing free-for-all. For many people, apparently, pushing information to everyone on a friends list is not at all the same as publishing the same information on one’s…

Spam + Blogs = Trouble

In addition to creating massive numbers of phony blogs, sploggers sometimes take over abandoned real blogs. More than 10 million of the 12.9 million profiles on Blogger surveyed by splog researcher Vasa in June were inactive, either because the bloggers had stopped blogging or because they never got started. (The huge mass of dead blogs…

Going Solo

The computer was how I wrote! My attachment was dangerous as it now threatened to derail my progress on numerous projects, not the least of which was a manuscript I hoped to finish editing by the end of August. Losing time seemed impossible. I had to push through and figure out a way to adapt,…

Games get serious

A euphemism like “decision-based simulation” maybe, but rarely a “game.” To many, video and computer games represent an adolescent diversion, a parental annoyance that thwarts homework, chores, and all things productive. So when FAS and others stump for games as an educational or training tool, they begin by stating the problem: “You oversee a very…

Text Games Get Film Treatment

Once upon time, in a galaxy exactly like this one, hard-core gamers spent hours staring at screens of tiny text and laboriously typing commands to move characters to the next level. That era — approximately 1979 to 1985 — marked the golden age of interactive fiction, when games commonly consisted of text adventures tailored to…

CFP: Computers & Composition — ''Reading Games: Composition, Literacy, and Video Gaming''

Computers & Composition: An International Journal invites contributions for a special issue, Reading Games: Composition, Literacy, and Video Gaming While video gaming has been a strong cultural force since the advent of the popular coin-operated arcades of the 1970s, it is only within the last few years that video/computer gaming has been an academic focus:…

First-Timer Foibles

The following list is made up of a few things I’ve noticed in a lot of the interactive fiction games I’ve tested or tried out. I’ve tried these games for reasons I can’t entirely fathom; admittedly, it’s easier and leaves fewer disfiguring scars than self-flagellation. It is not necessarily any less painful though. —Michael J.…