Kids Play

Would today’s tykes tolerate the classic games you grew up with? Kids do say the darndest things… —Kids Play (EGM) The premise: force a bunch of tweens to play the games my generation grew up with. Just how badly do yesterday’s games suck… and how badly to today’s kids suck while playing them? The article is…

Surfers switch off TV for PCs

On average, internet users spend three and a half hours a day on the internet compared with 2.8 hours a day watching television. | The research, which is the first to suggest the internet has overtaken the television as the most popular medium among people who have both, will provide further grist to the mill…

Web guru fights info pollution

“The entire ideology of information technology for the last 50 years has been that more information is better, that mass producing information is better,” he says. | But the net is now so much an machine with all the answers instantly, it has mutated into a “procrastination apparatus”, which spews information without much prioritisation Dr…

Interactive Fiction

Barriers are being destoyed at the same time as bridges are being built within the literary community just as in almost every other field affected by the almighty computer. Arguments fly on all sides especially as to what constitutes art. Progress constantly changes the determination–even when it may be that it is a subjective view,…

Blog has become former actor's portal into new career

News makers have always had ways of getting their news and views before the public. Often with the help of public-relations professionals, they’ve held press conferences, issued statements, offered interviews. In the past decade, they’ve created Web sites, though those pages have usually contained public-relations puffery, not candid communications.|Recently, a few forward-thinking news makers have…

The Blogging Iceberg

Apparently the blog-hosting services have made it so easy to create a blog that many tire-kickers feel no commitment to continuing the blog they initiate. In fact, 1.09 million blogs were one-day wonders, with no postings on subsequent days. The average duration of the remaining 1.63 million abandoned blogs was 126 days (almost four months).…

Degree Confluence Project

What does it look like at exactly 25 degrees N, 8 degrees E? What about the other places on the globe where latitutde and longitude lines intersect? Find out at Confluences. —Degree Confluence Project (Orbitals) Link via Rosemary Frezza, who also sends this BBC article: “A Unique Picture of the World.”

Web Searches: The Fix Is In

Web pages soon plunged in Inktomi’s search rankings and disappeared from key sites like MSN, where Inktomi feeds its listings. After he demanded to know what happened, Spooner learned from Inktomi that his site contained editorial flaws that hurt his ranking. And he would have to become a paid-inclusion customer to learn what these flaws…

Literary Games

Literature is defamiliarizing the ordinary, making us see even the most quotidian things in a new way. And games? We might describe them in several ways, but they are certainly ritual spaces in which rules that are not the ordinary social and cultural ones apply. So perhaps the concept of the literary game — a…

Battlestar Galactica ‘Launch When Ready’ Bridge Girl Fan Page (updated with links to archived pages)

—Battlestar Galactica ‘Launch When Ready’ Bridge Girl Fan Page (Wayback Machine’s archive of Today my five-year-old son was watching one of my wife’s old Battlestar Galactica videotapes, and I remembered that when I was about 11 I had a crush on the cute bridge crewmember who told the Viper pilots stuff like “Transferring core command to…