Death to Videogames

“They aren’t videogames, after all; except for the occasional cut scene, we almost never use video. We use images rendered on the fly–and the images are the surface of the game, the interface, the cotton candy. The meat of the game, the heart of it, is in the underlying code. These are games that run…

Blogging Goes Mobile

“People will soon be able to publish their own website via their phones as blogging goes mobile.” —Blogging Goes MobileBBC) Sounds a bit much like drafting a press release to fill a Sunday evening news gap, but journalists have been quick to grasp the social significance of weblogs. Thanks for the link, Rosemary.

Writing for Google

“When writing a website the writer needs to be focused on the reader; that is write for readers. Even though human readers are those who are going to be active and do something about your site, one of your primary readers is Googlebot. Writers need to be aware that building information has an effect on…

Hypertext & The Outhouse

“It’s time for a reality check. Hypertext is not, and has never been, all that. Electronic literature is a tiny field and mostly, no one cares about it, except for a handful of endlessly bickering insiders. Maybe 200 people in the world are even marginally interested in the academic arguments….From the outside, though, it looks…

Games: Not in the World

DADDY: Peter, the weather is so nice… let’s play a game.PETER (age 4): I do NOT want to play any game that’s in the world. I want to play a game that’s NOT in the world.DADDY: Peter, what kind of game is not in the world?PETER: (pointing towards computer) On a CD.Games: Not in the…

Google Don't Blink

Dave Winer on scripting news quotes from my “On the Trail of the Memex” in order to disagree: Here’s one for the history books. “For all intents and purposes, Google owns the Web, by virtue of its superior and highly popular search engine.” I don’t agree. Teoma appears to be as good a search engine…

Welcome to Bloggers World

“I HAVE just ploughed through the first five books devoted to an Internet art form that fascinates me and may well be unknown to you. Where to start?|Say for the moment that the weblog – a log of the World Wide Web, as it were -can be personal publishing at its most liberating, an online…

Survey: Web Use Trends Ever Upward

“The dot-com economy is long gone, but that hasn’t curbed the public’s appetite for shopping, banking and generally amusing themselves on the World Wide Web, according to a recent study.|Significantly more people are using the Web to send pictures and videos, shop, download music, play games and do their banking, according a study that compares…

Blogging for Dollars

“If recent rumours are to be believed, AOL is getting ready in the next month or so to add blogging to the home-page services it offers users.|It is a sign of how far these regularly updated pages of web links with personal comment have come in the past five years.” —Blogging for DollarsThe Age) Hrmm.…