Digital Gaming: MMORPGS and Player Identity — CCCC 2009 — Session F25

Katie Retzinger, “Immediacy, Desire, and the Other: MMORPGS and Constructions of Identity” Mathew S.S. Johnson “The World is Subject: Gamers as Potential for Change” Phill Alexander: “Running with the Bulls: The Race Rhetoric of the Tauren in World of Warcraft” The study of games and composition have long overlapped in the areas of popular culture…

Blogs: Understanding the Potential and Challenges – CCCC 2009 – Session E15

Pamela Gay, “The Blogitorial: An Alternative ? Genre for Writing” Derek Boczkowski, “When Writing (and Teaching) Goes Public: Blogging and the Wall-less Classroom” Michael J. Faris, “What’s in a ‘Zine? A Public Ancestry of Blogs” What follows are my rough notes, lightly edited.  I’ve inserted my own thoughts in square brackets.

(Re)Mediating Social Technologies — CCCC 2009 — Session B21

Dawn M. Armfield, “On the Go: Mobile Technologies and Literacy” Daisy Pignetti-Cochran, “What are you doing? Teaching with Twitter?” Kimberly A. Schulz, “Social Presence in the Online Writing Classroom: Community-building through Social Networking Technology” (with comments from Laura Gurak) I do the “suck air in through my teeth” thing whenever I hear statements about how…

Preparing the Obituary

If the newspapers do not survive, then what takes on the crucial social and economic roles they have performed over the past century and more? That is unknowable. Failing some inventive institutional spark, some vital functions might simply go unperformed. The Internet is creating a “tragedy of the commons” situation for news, and no one…

Adobe Shockwave interfereres with my system, blocks my attempts to remove it, and replaces the "No" button with "I grant permission for you to nag me later"

Does Adobe Shockwave fit your definition of malware? I train my kids not to click on random boxes that pop up, and I don’t want any boxes popping up on computers my kids use.  So I was very annoyed the other day when I first saw this box — intrusive auto-update window that shows only…

Writing in the 21st Century

Kathleen Blake Yancey offers a thoughtful overview of the challenges and opportunities that technology brings to teachers of English. I particularly like her analysis of an effort, organized by high school students, to get AP test-takers to insert the catchphrase  “THIS IS SPARTA!” into their exams. [‘T]he students understood the new audiences of twenty-first century…

The Pac-Man Dossier

Nerd heaven. In chase mode, Pinky behaves as he does because he does not target Pac-Man’s tile directly. Instead, he selects an offset four tiles away from Pac-Man in the direction Pac-Man is currently moving (with one exception). The pictures below illustrate the four possible offsets Pinky will use to determine his target tile based…