The Little Turtle

There was a little turtle. He lived in a box. He swam in a puddle. He climbed on the rocks. He snapped at a mosquito. He snapped at a flea. He snapped at a minnow. And he snapped at me. He caught the mosquito. He caught the flea. He caught the minnow. But he didn’t…

Man found after weeks in cave

A man who went missing five weeks ago in south-western France has been found alive in an underground cave system where he had got lost. —Hugh Schofield —Man found after weeks in cave (BBC) What’s French for XYZZY? Similar:Is AI making us less intelligent?Letter to the editor: Setting record straight on Seton Hill newspaperHey there, chaotic…


The prototype consists of two related arenas of activity. In the first, children have to survive ?as lions? outside in a playing field, interacting with a virtual savannah and exploring the opportunities and risks to lions in that space. Children are given GPS-linked PDAs through which they ?see?, ?hear? and ?smell? the world of the…

Being seen to be green

There is little financial incentive for recycling, and recycling is generally, with a few exceptions, more expensive than dumping and making new goods from virgin materials. Yet there is a growing campaign for recycling, particularly promoted by local government – and more people are taking it up. The ‘black box’ outside your house is becoming…

Space probes feel cosmic tug of bizarre forces

One proposal put forward is that Newton’s idea that the force of gravity weakens as distance increases may be incorrect over very large spaces, and may drop off over very long distances. —Robin McKie —Space probes feel cosmic tug of bizarre forces  (Guardian) Similar:Stapler jam during a midterm exam.The Tyranny of Now (Appreciation of Harold…

Flower power turns up the volume

Called Ka-on, which means “flower sound” in Japanese, the gadget consists of a doughnut-shaped magnet and coil at the base of a vase. It hooks up to a CD player, TV or stereo and relays sounds up through a plant’s stem and out via the petals. — Flower power turns up the volume (BBC) Thanks for…

Robot eats flies to make power

A ROBOT that will generate its own power by eating flies is being developed by British scientists. The idea is to produce electricity by catching flies and digesting them in special fuel cells that will break down sugar in the insects’ skeletons and release electrons that will drive an electric current. —Robot eats flies to…


Many people tell stories of Giant Octopus or Squid, but I want to find out more about these “deadly” creatures and what they do. Ever since I was small, I thought how do they do all those cool things? Well, this search helped me find that information!!!!!!!! —Mike —Octopus (Orchard Hill Elementary School) A fifth-grader posts…

Hawking changes his mind about black holes

Hawking has always stuck resolutely to the idea that once information goes into a black hole, there is no way out. Until now. When asked about his change of heart, Hawking smiled and wrote: “My views have evolved.” —Mark Peplow —Hawking changes his mind about black holes (Nature) Similar:Is AI making us less intelligent?Letter to…

Outer space: not so lifeless after all

Materials that could jump-start organic evolution have shown up in interstellar dust clouds and dusty planet-forming discs around many stars. These findings fuel an increasingly strong suspicion that the raw material of planet Earth was primed for life. —Robert C. Cowen —Outer space: not so lifeless after all (CS Monitor) Similar:Is AI making us less intelligent?I…

Birds Learn to Operate Automatic Doors

They circle in front of the motion detector, the doors open, and the birds fly through and take lunch up to the kids that are nesting in the building. Then it’s back to the door, buzz by the motion detector — and fly through again to hunt for more food. —Birds Learn to Operate Automatic…

Slow-motion Nightmare

Slow-motion Nightmare (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog) I had a busy day yesterday, with adventures that included diving fully-clothed into a large kiddie pool to retrieve my 2-year-old daughter, who had slipped and was floating face down, unable to straighten herself out. An older girl had taken my daughter’s hands and lured her to the center of the…

Sheep like smiles say researchers

Researchers at Cambridge University have discovered sheep prefer smiling or relaxed human faces, over angry or stressed ones. — Sheep like smiles say researchers (BBC) What about sheepish grins? Okay, that was a ba-a-ad joke. The news story says this research took place three years ago. What is the “news hook”? Is this article discussing recent…