The Uncanny Valley

The uncanny valley itself is where dwell monsters, in the classic sense of the word. Frankenstein’s creation, the undead, the ingeniously twisted demons of animé and their inspirations from legend and myth, and indeed all the walking terrors and horrors of man’s imagining belong here. In essence, they tend to be warped funhouse-mirror images of…

It Ain't Necessarily So: How the Media Make and Unmake the Scientific Picture of Reality

We show the news consumer how the magic trick, as it were, was done: how the lighting was placed, wehere were the mirrors, wires, and sturts, what sleight-of-hand was employed. Yet our purpose in demystifying the news is not cynical dismissal. Rather, we appreciate news as a manufactured, even theatrical, artifact, as much as it…

Ganymede Totalled In Three-Moon Pileup

Astronomers at the Palo Alto Observatory are citing “lunar error” as the cause of the three-moon pileup that totalled Ganymede and severely dented Callisto and Europa Monday, causing an estimated $700 quadrillion in damage. —Ganymede Totalled In Three-Moon Pileup (The Onion (Satire)) An oldie.

Confessions of an Engineering Washout

Clutching the shredded tatters of my pride and dignity, I trudged to the office hours of my math instructor every week, seeking an explanation for the increasingly mysterious problems in the textbook. My instructor welcomed my presence as she would welcome the Angel of Death. Irritated? She was terrified. Explain…the problems? Articulate…the steps? Relate…the concepts?…

Dangling Particles

Ambiguous word choices are the source of some misunderstandings. Scientists often employ colloquial terminology, which they then assign a specific meaning that is impossible to fathom without proper training. The term “relativity,” for example, is intrinsically misleading. Many interpret the theory to mean that everything is relative and there are no absolutes. Yet although the…

36 Methods of Mathematical Proof

Proof by clever variable choice “Let A be the number such that this proof works. . ” Proof by tessellation “This proof is the same as the last.” Proof by divine word “And the Lord said, ‘Let it be true,’ and it was true.” Proof by stubbornness “I don’t care what you say-it is true!”…

Is Gwyneth Paltrow a Genius?

Beside the fact that math professors in the movie wear ties — “never,” said Kontorovich — and “there are no blackboards,” noted Stechmann – who laughed when Hal called a proof “hip,” – the aspect of the movie the students found strangest was that it centered on an argument over whether Catherine could have done…

Don't dumb me down

Infidelity is genetic, say scientists. Electricity allergy real, says researcher. I’ve been collecting “scientists have found the formula for” stories since last summer, carefully pinning them into glass specimen cases, in preparation for my debut paper on the subject. So far I have captured the formulae for: the perfect way to eat ice cream (AxTpxTm/FtxAt…

The Inequality Taboo

The statistical tests for uncovering job discrimination assume that men are not innately different from women, blacks from whites, older people from younger people, homosexuals from heterosexuals, Latinos from Anglos, in ways that can legitimately affect employment decisions. Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 assumes that women are no different from men in…

Most scientific papers are probably wrong

Most published scientific research papers are wrong, according to a new analysis. Assuming that the new paper is itself correct, problems with experimental and statistical methods mean that there is less than a 50% chance that the results of any randomly chosen scientific paper are true. […] Surprisingly, [epidemiologist John] Ioannidis says another predictor of…

Amazing New Hyperbolic Chamber Greatest Invention In The History Of Mankind Ever

“Hyperbole researchers have arrived at, without possibility of argument or refutation, the single greatest moment in all of creation, now and forevermore,” said the project’s lead scientist, Dr. Lloyd Gustaveson, activating the hyperbolic chamber’s gazillion-ultra-watt semantic resonator at a gala launch party Monday. “The divine flame kindled by our new hyperbolic chamber will cast its…

What's in the works for the next 12 months at OJR?

The world’s grown too complex for journalists to cover using only literary skills. A generation ago, forward-thinking journalists developed computer-assisted reporting techniques, uncovering stories from public databases, including crime reports, school test scores and census data. Unfortunately, CARR has remained a specialty within journalism, rather than a core skill. Part of this can be attributed…

Foam on the Tank!

Oh give me some foam, whose pieces won’t roam, from the tank, on which its attached, with seldom the sight, of pieces in flight, the shuttle, it hardly gets scratched. Foam! Foam on the tank! Stay stuck, to the place you’re attached! With seldom the sight, of your pieces in flight, The shuttle, it hardly…