We're All Gonna Die!

“Omigod, Earth’s core is about to explode, destroying the planet and everything on it! That is, unless a gigantic asteroid strikes first. Or an advanced physics experiment goes haywire, negating space-time in a runaway chain reaction. Or the sun’s distant companion star, Nemesis, sends an untimely barrage of comets our way. Or … ” Gregg…

Gold Dust and James Bond

The ancient ossuary (“bone box”) marked with an inscription identifying the occupant as “James, brother of Jesus” has been officially declared a fake: “The varnish covered large areas of the ossuary surface and the patina had burst through the varnish in many places. Both varnish and patina coated a rosette inscribed on the other side…

The Child is Father to the Patient

“Faced with a limited amount of food, [the developing fetus] has choices about how to use it. Dr Barker’s suggestion is that food will be allocated in ways that give an individual the best chance in early life, at the expense of later years when he will have had children and might, indeed, have died…

Siege Mentality: The Language used by Immunologists…

“Western medicine is a war against disease, and the immune response is the first line of defence…. A world of molecules and cells becomes a battlefield, complete with alerts, invaders, recruitment and mobilisation, search-and-destroy missions and natural-born killers…. Medical school textbooks and immunologists’ research papers are imbued with the same ideas. They are so central…

The World Watches Mercury

“I was in an ideal location at an observatory in Hampshire, England, where in the pale light of the pre-dawn, I gathered with a few other enthusiasts to watch the event. | A transit of Mercury is a rare thing. These days it is of no great scientific importance, but it is fascinating to watch…

The MegaPenny Project

Visualizing huge numbers can be very difficult. People regularly talk about millions of miles, billions of bytes, or trillions of dollars, yet it’s still hard to grasp just how much a “billion” really is. The MegaPenny Project aims to help by taking one small everyday item, the U.S. penny, and building on that to answer…

Bill McKibben Spanks the Future

“What can one say to a writer who thinks he’s arguing for the existence of our very essence? Thanks, but, uh, your timing is bad? That you have the misfortune of living in a time of exponential technological growth, where miniaturization is colliding head-on with genetics, where technologies may so on have the potential to…

Prevention Programs And Scientific Nonsense

“The anti-science movement in health promotion has arisen as part of the humanistic perspective within the discipline that positions itself in direct opposition to a science-based approach that it terms ‘positivism.’ According to this view, the application of the scientific method — that is, an approach to the world founded upon experimentation and hypothesis testing…

The End of Human Nature

“By ordering up athletics-enhanced, music-enhanced, optimism-enhanced children, you are not merely urging them in some direction – all parents do that; you are wiring your own tastes into their genes, literally twisting their minds and bodies into the shape you have chosen. And this staggering arrogance is bound to be futile because the technology will…

BBC Screws Up Again

“With regard to the article by David Whitehouse posted Friday, 18 April, 2003, 13:45 GMT 14:45 UK: Does anyone actually read these BBC stories before they are posted? It would be polite to to spell Mr. Rutan’s name properly (‘Burt’ not ‘Bert’). Moreover, this is not the ‘world’s first manned sub-orbital space programme’. I cannot…

The 'Obliteration Phenomenon' in Science — and the Advantage of Being Obliterated!

What if “pi” were a recent discovery? How would journals publicize it, and how would the educational system absorb it? “Once the discovery had been reported in a contemporary journal, mathematicians could be expected to begin using and citing Archimedes? constant… While the term Archimedes? constant would become increasingly familiar even to school children, scientists…