Search using your terms, verbatim – Inside Search

With the verbatim tool on, we’ll use the literal words you entered without making normal improvements such as making automatic spelling corrections personalizing your search by using information such as sites you’ve visited before including synonyms of your search terms (matching “car” when you search [automotive]) finding results that match similar terms to those in your query…

If HTML5 Kills the Blog Format, I Won’t Shed a Tear

The blog format relieves publishers from the tiresome duty of producing covers and front pages and things to make their content more attractive and make readers want it. In some cases, it enables publishers to surrender any responsibility for making content attractive in the first place. There is a prophetic scene in the magnificent movie…

No, not that kind of tablet…

Basic tablets (they’re available with all sorts of bells and whistles, the most notable being multitouch), are cheap additions to the classroom, and affordable enough that teachers and professors can simply buy the tablets themselves. The overhead projector might be dead, but for educators who miss the great lessons they could deliver with a few…

Empty Inbox

My to-do do list and my “Follow Up” folders aren’t empty, but going into the July 4 weekend, it’s nice to see an empty in box. GMail’s strategy or replacing the “delete” button with “archive” means I felt more comfortable moving things out of my in box.  I also like that GMail uses tags, not…

Making the Switch to GMail

Our wonderful IT folks have set up a push-the-button-and-it-just-works conversion from MS Outlook to GMail. My only real concern is that this gives me yet another GMail account where I might lose something… is there a way to cross-link GMail accounts? Time to Google for an answer. Update:  As part of the transfer process, I…